Networking and Security in the Cloud Computing Era: How to Get Started
Networking and Security in the Cloud Computing Era: How to Get Started
Cloud computing has really changed the way businesses do a lot of things. Instead of relying on on-site physical servers and internal networking, corporations can now have more cloud storage space and computing power. The lack of steep initial investment makes cloud computing more accessible to small and medium enterprises too.
The move to cloud computing also poses a number of new challenges to tackle. Businesses need to adjust the way they handle networking and information security to meet the requirements of today’s cloud computing era. These several basic steps will help your business prepare for cloud computing better.
Connecting to the Cloud Cluster
Unlike conventional servers, cloud storage technologies don’t really rely on a single physical server. Security is handled differently than before, with layers such as firework and encryption still being used to provide maximum security. For these measures to be effective, your business needs to approach networking the right way.An encrypted VPN tunnel over the internet is usually the solution of choice.
Companies still use the same comprehensive intranet and internal networking setup, but that setup now connects to the cloud using one or several VPN channels for maximum efficiency and security.
Depending on the cloud computing service you use, there are several ways to accomplish this. A simple VPN over the internet that relies on a dedicated, pre-allocated bandwidth is usually the easiest solution to implement. It is also possible to establish a wired or wireless network direcentero the data centre from which the cloud server is operated.
Security Implementation
Securing a cloud environment is not something that can be done in one go. It is an ongoing process that requires regular evaluation and frequent adjustments. You can’t expect one security measure to handle everything, especially since we now have more advanced cyberattacks threatening the safety of business information.The best way to implement security in today’s cloud computing era is in well-defined steps. You start with the most basic measures, such as firewall and load balancing, before implementing more advanced measures. Most conventional security instruments are still usable, but you get additional tools to deal with the increasing security risks.
Some providers have these solutions integrated out of the box. Look for those that have built-in DDoS protection, spam protection, and daily malware scan from the moment accounts are created.
Better Security Awareness
What is also important to improve is user awareness. Over 60% of cloud security cases began with a weak password or negligence by the users of the system. It is important for your business to have proper information security policies in place, and that every member of the company knows how these policies must be maintained at all times.
Cloud computing opens up a new wave of possibilities for small and big businesses alike. With the right network and security implementation, your business can fully take advantage of the extra resources and immense efficiency offered by cloud computing. These are the advantages you need to stay ahead on the market and will get you that much closer to success.