5 BEST WIFI HACKING TOOLS 1. AirSnort AirSnort is another popular tool for decrypting WEP encryption on a wi-fi 802.11b network. It is a free tool and comes with Linux and Windows platforms. This tool is no longer maintained, but it is still available to download from Sourceforge. AirSnort works by passively monitoring transmissions and computing encryption keys once it has enough packets received. This tool is simple to use. If you are interested, you can try this tool to crack WEP passwords. 2. Cain & Able Cain & Able is a popular password cracking tool. This tool is developed to intercept network traffic and then discover passwords by brute-forcing the password using cryptanalysis attack methods. It can also recover wireless network keys by analyzing routing protocols. It you are trying to learn wireless security and password cracking, you should once try this tool. 3. Kismet Kismet is the wi-fi 802.11 a/b/g/n layer2 wireless network sniffer and IDS. It ...